


  • 舒适型|University Path,巴格马蒂
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.6公里
    Forbes Hotel and Residence(Forbes Hotel and Residence)
  • 舒适型|Swayambhu, Kimdol Marg, Devithan Galli str. 600/179,巴格马蒂
    ¥ 113加德满都舒适型酒店好评第99(共613家)
    4.0分 暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.6公里
    斯瓦亚姆胡景致旅馆(Swayambhu View Guest House)
  • Red Cross Road,巴格马蒂
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.6公里
    索尔迪家庭旅馆(Soaltee Homestay)
  • Tahachal,巴格马蒂
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.6公里
    Mahabir Palace
  • 高档型|Red Cross Marg Tahachal,巴格马蒂
    ¥ 261加德满都高档型酒店好评第21(共29家)
    3.5分 暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.6公里
    费恩住宅加德满都酒店(The Fern Residency Kathmandu)
  • Near Red Cross Road
    ¥ 314加德满都同档次酒店好评第143(共613家)
    3.2分 暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.7公里
    Grand Hotel - Kathmandu
  • Boratar Balaju 44601 Kathmandu
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.7公里
    加德满都芽庄酒店(NHA Home Stay in Kathmandu)
  • House # 82, Lasata Marg, Near Soaltee Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, Red Cross Road, Kalimati,巴格马蒂
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.7公里
    查特亚钦民宿(Chaitya Chhen)
  • Red Cross Road Lasata marg,Red Cross RD,巴格马蒂
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.7公里
    Lasata Newa Dera
  • Red Cross Road Lasata marg,Red Cross RD, Kathmandu, Nepal.,巴格马蒂专区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Shree Chandra Vinayak Mandir, Chabhil Ganeshthan5.7公里
    Lasata Newa Dera