


  • 11 Quorn Avenue, Mt Pleasant,哈拉雷,哈拉雷
    ¥ 1684暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments3.9公里
    檀木旅馆(Sandalwood Lodge)
  • 豪华型|11 Quorn Avenue,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments3.9公里
    檀木旅馆(Sandalwood Lodge)
  • 舒适型|Edmonds Ave,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments3.9公里
    休息民宿(Rest Guest House)
  • 舒适型|Marlborough Drive, Marlborough,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.0公里
    马尔堡公寓蒂齐雅公寓酒店(Ticia Apartments Marlborough Mews)
  • Northworld Flats Josiah Tongogara St Cnr 3rd street,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.0公里
  • Flat 802/803 Northworld Cnr 3rd street Josiah chinamano Ave,哈拉雷,哈拉雷,哈拉雷,哈拉雷,津巴布韦
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.0公里
  • 39 Churchill Ave Alexandra Park,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.0公里
    The Churchill
  • 39 Churchill Ave Alexandra Park,哈拉雷,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.0公里
    The Churchill
  • 舒适型|Josiah Chinamano Ave,哈拉雷
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.2公里
    隐藏宝石酒店(A Hidden Gem)
  • Falmouth Road,哈拉雷,哈拉雷
    ¥ 550暂无评分    暂无评论
    Makiringa Apartments4.3公里
    乐乐特旅馆(Lelethu Guest House)