


  • 100 Derekh Yafo,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum2.0公里
    Superior Motel
  • 舒适型|14 Yerushalayim Street,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum3.4公里
    Haifa Voila
  • 舒适型|HaAliya HaShniya Street,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum608
    Apartment S&L Komfort
  • 15, Kiryat Sefer St,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum4.7公里
    Shulamit Hotel
  • 26 Ben Gorion Ave.,海法区
    ¥ 537Ezor Haifa同档次酒店好评第31(共198家)
    3.0分 暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum2.1公里
    哈达德招待所(Haddad Guest House)
  • Henrieta Szold st. 50,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum3.0公里
    海法度假公寓(Haifa Vacation Flat)
  • 舒适型|Rakhaf St 7,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum365
    Rakhaf St Haifa Apartment
  • 高档型|Iran St. 1 (first floor, apt. 1),海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum2.2公里
  • Tsviya Ve-Yitshak Street 18,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum4.0公里
    嗨海法青年旅舍(HI - Haifa Hostel)
  • Megiddo Street Building number 1 second floor apartment number 9,海法区
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    Parking Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum3.2公里
    卡梅尔中心高级公寓(Premium Location Carmel Center)