


  • Rruga Fan Noli,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)738
    Apartment Rio Palace
  • Shkembi i Kavajes,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)750
    阿德利亚提科山复合式公寓酒店("Adriatik Hills" Apartments Complex)
  • 舒适型|Rruga Fan Noli 8,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)841
    Apartaments Ervis
  • 舒适型|Rruga Shkembi i Kavajes,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)296
    安迪酒店(Hotel Andi)
  • 高档型|Shkembi i Kavajes,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)418
    Uani Apartment
  • Rruga Plazhit,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)827
    马尔维纳酒店(Malvina Hotel)
  • Rruga Kompleksit,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)187
    T&s Apartment Durres
  • 舒适型|Shkembi i Kavajes,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)424
    Villa Arberia
  • Bulevardi i Palmave,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)604
    纽约大酒店(New York Grand Hotel)
  • 豪华型|Tek Shkembi I Kavajes Prane Hotel Andi,地拉那州
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    都拉斯美丽海景 1 居出租公寓 - 附设备完善阳台 - 近海滩(Apartment with One Bedroom in Durrës, with Wonderful Sea View and Furnished Balcony - Near the Beach)298
    Adriatic Apartments Albania