Mamacita位于丹娜努岛的温德姆度假酒店(Wyndham Resort Denarau Island),是斐济著名的墨西哥餐厅,供应种类繁多的正宗墨西哥美食,推荐美味的油炸玉米粉饼,还有好喝的玛格丽特鸡尾酒。上菜速度很快,服务周到热情。如果你呆在丹娜努岛,一定要来这里!
4.5 分
This was the only Mexican restaurant I saw. They get crowded so reservations are suggested.
Pretty damn good Mexican, was impressed. Not super authentic but tasty, cheap and very gluten free aware.
Excellent Mexican food, great flavours. We had both chicken and pork enchiladas and they were beautiful