5.0 分
最美餐厅:Ravintola Meripaviljonki
地址:Sparbankskajen 3, 00530 Helsingfors
这家餐厅坐落在市区的一个湖边,去的那天下着大雪,格外的美。餐厅内玻璃窗落地,窗外是落了雪的冰面。一杯清爽的白葡萄酒配这洁白的雪景再合适不过。三文鱼浓汤咸鲜适口,汤味浓厚,和面包特别配。这里的鹿肉是做的最别致的:红烧鹿肉配土豆丸子。鹿肉切成厚片,被甜酸的酱汁包裹着,入口很劲道,很符合 中国 人的口味。小伙...
阅读全部Amazing views, and good food. You should definitely try the seafood platter. Lobster was ok as well, but could've been tastier.
Specialises in fish & seafood dishes, truly Finnish flavours (rye bread, cured salmon, skagen, salmiakki desserts), absolutely impeccable food! Amazing views from the restaurant, especially at sunset
The set menus are pretty worth your while, each one offering a different main course. Food can be slightly slow during the weekends, but otherwise service is warm.
During crayfish season, they have a good deal of 22 crayfish for 99€. Jokirapu should be ordered a couple of days ahead. Täplärapu is available without preorder.