

  • no 69, zone 1, millennium city, ekala,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery7.4公里
    民宿(Homes Stay)
  • 650/26, Darshana Mawatha,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery5.4公里
    Omega Inn
  • 舒适型|Ekamuthu Mawatha,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery898
    机场禅度假村(Airport Zen Resort)
  • 舒适型|SumithraRama Mawatha,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery3.2公里
    Kings Gate Airport Transit Hotel
  • 254 Kotugoda Road 100/8/A/1, Seeduwa Road, Gurugwaththa,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery6.9公里
    Ranovin Inn
  • Darshana Mawatha, Katunayaka,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery5.6公里
    樱花汽车旅馆(Motel Sakura)
  • 52, Ranaviru Anura Jayasinghe Mawata, Andiambalama, Katunayake,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery949
    萨夫隆乡村别墅(The Saffron Country House)
  • 舒适型|No 9B, Lansiyawadiya,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery5.9公里
    安纳别墅(Villa Ana)
  • 舒适型|Gudamwatta Road,Airport Junction,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery4.9公里
    卡图纳亚克皇冠广场酒店(Hotel Crown Plaza Katunayake)
  • 16/B, Airport Road, Andiambalama, Katunayaka.,西部省
    暂无报价暂无评分    暂无评论
    St. Martha Family Restaurant And Bakery945
    玛仙瑞拉花园酒店(Meshendra Garden Hotel)