

  • 人 均
    ¥ 171
    地 址
    2121 Pacific Ave, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood3.4公里
    The Melting Pot - Tacoma
  • 2En Rama
    4.0/ 5分
    人 均
    ¥ 104
    地 址
    1102 A St Suite 220, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood2.4公里
    En Rama
  • 地 址
    5107 N Main St, Ruston, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood4.9公里
    Ice Cream Social Ruston
  • 4Waffle Stop
    4.0/ 5分
    地 址
    2710 N Proctor St, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood2.1公里
    Waffle Stop
  • 地 址
    4312A 6th Ave, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood2.8公里
    The Lasagna Store Pasta and More
  • 6Five Guys
    4.0/ 5分
    地 址
    4027 Tacoma Mall Blvd Ste. A, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood5.0公里
    Five Guys
  • 地 址
    1102 A St, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood2.4公里
    Lift Bridge Coffee
  • Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood4.9公里
    Fish Brewing Pub & Eatery
  • 地 址
    2601 N Pearl St, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood4.0公里
    The Habit Burger Grill
  • 地 址
    606 S Junett St, 塔科马, WA
    Ocean View, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Jacuzzi bathtub, no stairs, best neighborhood1.6公里
    La Ca Bar and Grill
