


  • 人 均
    ¥ 134
    地 址
    9A Lada Christou Karytsi Area, 雅典 希腊
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary394
    Black Duck Multiplarte
  • 2The Old Fava
    0.0/ 5分
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary646
    The Old Fava
  • 人 均
    ¥ 60
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary404
    Ta Serbetia stou Psyrri
  • 4Tuttitalia
    5.0/ 5分
    人 均
    ¥ 52
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary698
  • 5Vryssaki
    0.0/ 5分
    人 均
    ¥ 41
    地 址
    Vrisakiou 17 Plaka, 雅典 希腊
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary396
  • 地 址
    31 Voulis & Apollonos Str., 雅典 希腊
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary243
    Mageirevontas Ti Mesogeio
  • 7Aleka's Taverna
    0.0/ 5分
    地 址
    2 Thrassivoulou, 雅典105 56 希腊
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary338
    Aleka's Taverna
  • 8Abibayio
    0.0/ 5分
    人 均
    ¥ 172
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary894
  • 人 均
    ¥ 18
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary698
    Loukoumades Aigaion
  • 10American Burger
    4.0/ 5分
    地 址
    L. Vouliagménis 4, 雅典 希腊
    Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary646
    American Burger
