5.0 分
Amazingly friendly, delicious food. Try the bavette (bleue), the flambéed raspberries and trust the owner to pick the perfect wine. Best meal of the week in Cannes.
Grill&Wines, 名字就能看出来是一家以烤制为主的餐厅,当然还有必不可少的红酒。餐厅临街,有两个房间,装修风格各成一派,一个充满小酒馆味道,另一个则是走艺术餐厅路线。烤品包括海鲜和各种肉类,虽然店家的陆地肉类烤制的很棒,但依然无法阻挡身处地中海的优势,各种海鲜烧烤才是每桌客人的重点,尤其是扇贝意面,大块的扇贝软嫩多汁,配合奶香浓郁的意面,绝对是必点菜品。推荐肋间肉,简直是在舌尖融化...
阅读全部Amazing restaurant for everyone. Food is damn good
它是一个餐厅,我经常定期与极大的乐趣,但我希望,今天,令我十分满意,点菜单的创造力!在一盘菜接近日本料理,我爱这一天感到非常惊奇: 干邑和恐金枪鱼生鱼片其大明虾!
Very nice place to eat. Liked beef filet and 600gr beef portion. Tuna tartar was also big and delicious! #mustvisit
Nice atmosphere and good food. A bit oily duck but perfectly cooked.